Link & Pin Art and Events presents
Rave Against the Machine
February 16, 2023-March 31, 2023
Opening and Artist Talk, February 17, 2023, 7:00 p.m.
Mini-Rave Opening Party, February 17, 2023 9:00 p.m.
Sculpture, light, sound, and movement combine to welcome you into the world of artist Tommy Nienaber. A scientist by trade, he fell into the healing world of art after a tragic accident. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, and aiding in his burn treatment protocols, Tommy discovered that blocks of stone, metal, and wood contained unique personalities that he had the ability to set free. The work not only increased the movement in his hands but allowed his soul to find peace and a new direction for his life. His recovery and artistic growth is evident in the flow of the pieces and invites viewers to create their own emotional narrative. Link & Pin welcomes you into this fascinating world of art both large and small and hopes you too will find a deeper connection of peace, calm, and curiosity about what comes next.
“And so, the healing journey started with a single large block of lay-down lumber, which had cluttered and garnished many different areas around my studio for the last 15 years. Each dedicated chip and stroke to eventually produce completely smooth surfaces were carefully prepared and the action allowed me to move within the whirlwind of obsession, mental release, physical limits and spiritual awakening.” –Tommy N.
More About Tommy Nienaber
I began my art career as physical therapy after surviving a house fire caused by a natural gas explosion. The fire occurred at a rental garage apartment near U of H where I was attending school. Soon after creating my first couple of carvings, I found myself completely obsessed and, more importantly, happy. The rush of creating and the concept of endless possibilities motivated me beyond words. Needless to say I made a tremendous recovery, and found true happiness in the same stride.
JANUS ReMix: Aluminum
Creation Lullabye