East Austin Studio Tour 2016 Invitational
November 4 - November 20, 2016
Regular gallery hours extended on November 12, 13, 19 & 20 to 6 pm.
Features fine art works in mixed media, collage, photography, copper sculpture, ceramics, hand-woven baskets, acrylics, oils, pastels…
- Clara Newby reclaims and re-purposes paper and water colors. (Found objects and water color)
- Connie Miller uses elements of water, land, air and light to both ground the viewer and offer a transcendent experience. (Impasto oil pain on canvas paper and board)
- Jill Robinson is inspired by texture, colre and design whether contemporary or traditional. (Reed, hardwoods, gourds, pine needles, antlers)
- Kathi Herrin hand builds ceramic sculptures using the slab technique. (Ceramics)
- Leslie Kell works with architectural forms to create virtual environments. (Digital photo collage, mixed media)
- Lyle Adair transforms his world into a copper playground with a hammer, chisel, and torch. (Copper)
- Marcy Villafana derives her style through her technique of cutting paper. (Acrylic paint, alcohol inks, charcoal, conte)
- Maria Lyle's ultimate goal is to create a compelling work of art that will awaken a desire, a fantasy, or a hunger for color. (Pastels, acrylics)
- Melanie Hickerson are well constructed objects of hear, intellect and skill. (Acrylic, gouache, charcoal, pastels)
- Neena Buxani attempts to create a notion of strength through the use of daring color and inviting texture. (Acrylic pain, gouache)
- Pete Holland provides an assortment of images taken in bizarre places with an accent on carnivals, festivals, and dinosaurs. (Kodak photographic paper)
- Sharon Bibbee is an artist that paints in both Representational and Non-Representational and uses bright colors her art. (Acrylic)